
Our Alumini

We believe that, health is a state of well-being that enables a person lead a physically, psychologically socially and economically productive life. Health is a right of all the people. All the individuals, families and communities have responsibilities towards maintaining their own health. We believe that, nursing is the unique function of a nurse - that is to assist an individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health, its recovery or to a peaceful death, that he or she would perform unaided if he or she had the necessary strength, will or knowledge and to do this in such a way, so as to help him or her gain independence as rapidly as possible.

We believe that, education is a teaching-learning process. Nursing education is a program of systematic training and instructions of nursing sciences. The scope of nursing practice encompasses provisions of promote, preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of care to people throughout the life. The biological sciences, the behavioral sciences, the technological innovations, that constitute nursing science touch all aspects of human life. We recognize the need for good interpersonal relationship; best of cooperation perfect communication with the allied professionals are essential prerequisite for effective nursing care.

We acknowledge that, the need for nursing is universal all discriminations related to caste, creed, nationality, race, age, gender, olitical status, social etc. are to be restricted.

We believe that, the nursing students need to have an all-round development through varieties of curricular and co-curricular activities.

We believe that, nursing is based on values of caring and aims to help people to attain independence in selfhealth- care. It necessitates development of compassion and understanding of human behavior on the part of the nursing students and the nursing community to provide nursing care to patient and people with respect and dignity and also protect the health-rights of the people.